Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Applying Lip Color For Best Looking Lips


Whether you choose palest pink or striking scarlet, here are the quickest lip tips for a perfect finish every time. Research suggests that we choose a lip color to reflect our moods - vibrant colors when we feel confident and want to be noticed, and paler shades when we feel introverted or even low.

Whether this is true or not, there is a cornucopia of products to color and protect your lips - lipsticks, glosses, lip powders - many enhanced with moisturizers and ultraviolet filters. Whichever color you choose, for whatever reason, remember these five tips:

Tips for Applying Lip Color

Before applying lip color, prepare your lips with moisturizer or a specially designed lip primer, so that the color goes on evenly and lasts longer without feathering.

A lip brush gives a professional finish to your lips.

It is not essential to use lip pencil you can get a good finish with a primer and brush alone) but if you do want to use lip pencil, for instance with a very vibrant lipstick that needs a precise outline, it should be the same color as the lipstick. With more neutral shades, opt for a lipliner close to your natural lip color.

Avoid frosted lipsticks as they rarely enhance your teeth or the shape of your mouth.

Choose a lip color to pull a look together, but, remember, as a general rule, blue-toned (rather than orange-toned) reds and pinks and browns will make your teeth appear whiter.

Before going out in the evening or for a special highly polished finish it is worth taking time over applying your lipstick.

Anti Ageing Strategies For Beautiful Skin

Keep your skin looking young with simple precautions you can easily incorporate into your daily life. Protecting and caring for your skin today will, without doubt, benefit you in years to come. While genetic factors play a crucial role in determining how well your skin will age. there are preventative measures you can take to avoid premature ageing.

The free radical theory

It is widely believed by the scientific profession that highly reactive molecules, known as free radicals, are responsible for the changes that constitute ageing. Free radicals are produced during normal body functioning when oxygen interacts with certain fats.

While the body is usually able to 'mop up' these free radicals, when the body's supply of free radical scavengers' is reduced the molecules cause cell damage. Anti-oxidant vitamins, especially the vitamins A, C and E, have been found to neutralise the destructive effects of free radicals in the body.

Protection from the sun

Most of the changes that come with the decades are sun-related and therefore avoidable. These changes include: fine lines at the corners of the mouth and eyes which show during your twenties and thirties; color loss by the late thirties to forties; 'crows' feet', frown and forehead lines, and shrinkage of the upper lip that become more visible in the fifties; and in the sixties, jowls, age spots and broken blood vessels.

Some dermatologists say that, when adequately protected, the skin can repair accumulated damage by as much as 30 per cent. As ultraviolet light surrounds us constantly, it is recommended that we wear moisturizers that contain ultraviolet filters every day.

As exposure to sunlight produces free radicals, a new trend in sun protection products is to include vitamins E and or C. Ultraviolet light, smoking and other forms of pollution produce an inflammatory reaction in the cells. New skin care products which contain anti-inflammatory ingredients help prevent damage.

Stop smoking!
As well as damaging your lungs, the ageing effects on the skin are dramatic. Smoking damages the skin's collagen, etches lines around the mouth and eyes, and causes drier, rougher skin.

Beauty from within
As well as combating skin-ageing free radicals, the A, C and E vitamins have other essential roles in maintaining your skin.

Vitamin A , found in foods such as broccoli, carrots and spinach, is essential for the growth and repair of skin tissues. Vitamin C is needed for collagen production and for maintaining a healthy immune system, while vitamin E is a vital anti-oxidant that aids normal growth and development.

It is important to eat fish oils and unrefined vegetable oils and to avoid the 'bad', saturated fats.

The body diverts blood away from the skin to the 'essential' organs as a result of lack of sleep, giving your complexion that fatigued look and slack muscle tone. Adequate sleep is one of the best beauty treat-ments available!

Collagen treatment
Lines and wrinkles can be injected with collagen (which is extracted from animal sources), an anti-ageing strategy that must be done by a professional. Top-up treatments are needed every 3-12 months.

AHA skin peels
Alpha hydroxy acids, or AHAs, are extracted from sources such as apples, grapes, lemons and passion fruit (in the form of fruit acids), milk (as lactic acid) and sugar cane (as glycolic acid). Applied to the skin, they act as a skin peel, increasing exfoliation and stimulating the turnover of new cells. While dermatolagiest can use a stronger solution for immediate effect, products bought over the counter need 4-8 weeks to take effect.

Also known as tretinoic acid, Retin-A is an acne treatment that has been found to stimulate the growth of new collagen and to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. It has yet to receive government approval for use as an anti-ageing product and cannot be used by women of child-bearing age.

Celebrity Diet Secrets

Celebrity diets have become a revolutionary breakthrough on how celebrities lose and maintain their weight and create fabulous knock out bodies. Forget about the occasional nip tuck or food restricted master cleanse that make you feel sick and pheening for the nearest whopper. Plastic Surgery is so out and dieting and exercising is so in. Celebrities have found a new and healthy way to be on the right track and stay healthy and fresh so they can avoid drinking a bottle of magnesium citrate for their big night; instead they count calories, carbs, and points. There are a lot of different diets that works best for each individual depending on their food choices and their own personal lifestyles.

There have been some popular celebrity diets that celebrities swear by, like Atkins, The Zone, The Five Factor Diet, Nutrisystem, The south beach diet and many more. Of course these diets are followed with exercise, but in most of these diets, the food is balanced out so well and the caloric intake is controlled that exercise is actually optional!

The Atkins Diet

If you want nice toned bodies like Calista Flockhart and Renee Zelwegger just go on the Atkins Diet.quickly you can, however when you start eating regular foods again, you should eat in moderation because your pounds can add on just as face as they came off. Atkins diet is a diet that promotes high fat, high protein and low carbohydrate intake. Atkins believes that too many carbohydrates can cause the over production of insulin, causing you to gain more weight. Atkins is a controversial diet that is believed to be unhealthy due to the high fat intake; many people believe that it can cause heart conditions and high cholesterol. The key to doing this diet is if you want to lose weight

The Zone Diet

To have defined and toned arms like Jennifer Anniston, before hitting the gym, you have to start with her diet so you can see the definition. Jennifer is one of the most popular celebrities that adapted to "The Zone Diet" lifestyle to trim her waistline and look spectacular for the red carpet and basically every day life. The zone diet is created using a ratio system of having 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein and 30 percent fat; it is reportedly know that this ratio will kick up your metabolism to have you burning fat like you were running a 5k race. The zone diet is basically a lifestyle change, it is simple and easy to use and you do not have to give up your favorite foods as long as you stay in The Zone and ratios you will be in that dress that makes you look like an hour glass in no time!

Five Factor diet

If you want toned abs like Jessica Simpson or bulging biceps like Kanye west, try a diet that is not really a diet, but that was specifically designed for celebrities so they can maintain their weight without giving up the foods they love. The five factor diet is a diet that celebrities are starting to live by, because the beauty of the Five Factor diet is that it is not really a diet! Basically this diet is the Food Pyramid with celebrity's added touch. The five factor diet encourages you to eat meals that have the five elements protein, complex carbs, fiber, fats and fluids. The 5 in the five factor diet is also a way to create meals that have 5 minutes of prep time and that does not have more than 5 ingredients and to eat five meals a day to control hunger and keep your metabolism high.

Nutrisystem Diet

If you don't have the time to cook just like all those busy celebrities that are too busy shooting their next movie or partying on a yacht somewhere in ST. Tropez. Be a celebrity and do the Nutrisystem diet which will actually deliver already prepared meals to your home and all you have to do is heat and eat! Tori Spelling, Dan Marino and Marie Osmond are among many celebrities that went out nutrisystem and had great success dropping pounds with this home delivery system. Nutrisystem focuses on foods that have a low rating on the glycemic index, promoting good carbohydrates, fiber, protein and still remains to be low in fat. Nutrisystem allows you to eat five times a day so you won't feel hungry and help you reduce those cravings.

Celebrity diets have become the new thing of Hollywood of how celebrities remain thin and camera ready. However most celebrity diet are not really diets at all, they are considered lifetime changes and the celebrities will continue to eat foods that make them thin and fit as well as incorporating a good dose of exercise to help them burn calories so they can maintain their weight. So if you are looking for a diet tip from a celebrity just remember there are healthy ways to diet and unhealthy ways to diet so opt for the healthy ways that will help you absorb all the nutrients you need instead of going in to shock or fainting.

Treatment for Age Spots

As your skin accumulates years of sun exposure, you may notice flat tan, grey, brown or dark brown spots on your skin. These age spots, also called sun spots and liver spots, are usually found on the backs of the hands, face, neck and chest. While not harmful, they are a sign that your skin has come in contact with its fair share of UV rays. So how can you minimize or erase them?

First of all, if you don't want your age spots to multiply, you should wear a sunscreen with at least SPF 15 every day. The next type of cream you should use is a bleaching formula containing hydroquinone. You can ask your dermatologist for a prescription and he might also suggest another cream with retinoids and a mild steroid. The two will help fade age spots, but you may not see results for a few months. There are also over-the-counter solutions that can combat discolorations. Look for glycolic acid or kojic acid.

At home treatments can work to fade age spots, but if you want to remove them altogether you'll have to visit your dermatologist. At the office your doctor can give you a treatment that will eliminate age spots.

  • Dermabrasion can work to slough off the surface layer, leaving a new layer of age spot free skin-expect to endure several treatments.
  • Another way to gradually fade age spots is with a series of chemical peels. Your dermatologist will apply an acid, which removes the outer layer of skin, again eventually revealing new skin without age spots.
  • Several sessions of laser therapy can help your spots fade over weeks or months by destroying the dark pigments in your skin. Know that it can be a pricey procedure, though.
  • In cryotherapy, liquid nitrogen is applied on the spot to freeze and destroy the pigment. Once the skin heals, the skin will below will be lighter. This method can cause permanent scarring or discoloration, but when it works properly it's quick and highly effective.

What Causes Age Spots? It Isn't Always Age

What causes age spots? Surprisingly, the answer isn't always age.

What Are Age Spots?

Age spots, also known as liver spots or solar lentigines, are flat patches of skin discoloration that although painless, can cause the skin to look weary and aged. Often oval, age spots can range in size from a tiny freckle to a centimeter across and are usually brown, black, or gray.

What Causes Age Spots

Many consider tanned skin to be the mark of youthful good health. According to a study conducted by the American Academy of Dermatology almost half of the teens surveyed, though aware of the risks of skin cancer, believe that people look healthier with a tan. The fact is- a tan is anything but a healthy glow. Tanning is the body's natural reaction to cell damage.

In the process by which tanning occurs, ultra violet rays activate cells called melanocytes that produce the brown pigment melanin to defend against UV damage. Age spots begin to develop when melanin is produced in higher concentrations than normal.

Melanin causing age spots can be produced by:

  • Sun Exposure: Because sun exposure is the primary culprit for the majority of sufferers, age spots more prominently appear on face, hands, shoulders, and arms-the most frequently exposed areas of the skin.
  • Tanning Beds: Any method of tanning, including tanning beds and sunlamps, that produce skin darkening through the production of melanin can contribute to age spots.
  • Natural Aging: Advancing age can also be a natural cause of increased melanin and the appearance of age spots.

Is Older Skin More Susceptible?

As you age, your skin becomes thinner and loses fat making it more susceptible to wrinkles, dryness, and damage. Unhealthy habits recklessly undertaken in youth like smoking and sun exposure begin to bare their unsightly side effects, as the skin grows older. These same habits practiced in advancing age have more immediate effects.

Though they can occur before, age spots generally occur in people over forty since the skin is ultimately more susceptible and the melanin clusters that produce the appearance of age spots typically develop over time.

Are Age Spots Dangerous

Medically referred to as benign or vascular pigmented lesions, age spots are generally harmless. They do not lead to cancer in and of themselves. That does not mean that the appearance of age spots should be ignored. Lentigo maligna melanoma is a form of skin cancer that also occurs as a result of sun-damaged skin. At its most treatable stage, LMM can be mistaken for a harmless age spot, so it's best not to self-diagnose.

Removing Age Spots at Home

Removing age spots begins with improving your overall health so skin is well cared for. Before you think about lightening or removing age spots, however, please check with your dermatologist to determine the type of spots you have. Some spots can be dangerous and should be surgically removed by a professional.

Taking Proper Care Of Your Skin
The best way to remove age spots is to keep them from appearing in the first place. That means getting a minimum of six to eight glasses of water per day, avoiding the sun or using sunscreen when you can't avoid the sun, eating nutritious meals and staying away from foods that are bad for you. It's also important to keep your weight under control and to maintain the tone of your skin by exercising regularly and using a good skin moisturizer that doesn't include alcohol, mineral oil, fragrance or parabens.

Exfoliation Treatments
Different exfoliation treatments can be purchased over the counter and used in the privacy of your own home to remove age spots. If you don't have any ideas where to start, look for products that contain ingredients such as grapeseed oil and vitamin E. And never underestimate the power of shea butter as a softening agent.

Lightening Age Spots
You can always dab lemon or lime juice on the age spot for several months to see a significant difference; however, you must be careful. Unfortunately, citrus juice will bleach all portions of your face, not just an age spot, and the results can be a very blotchy complexion. To avoid this, use a cotton-tipped swab, and touch up only the spots that require lightening. When you have reached a point where the age spots have been lightened enough to blend in with the rest of your complexion, stop using the lightening formula, and use the exfoliation infrequently.

The most important step in the removal of age spots is to make sure you do not expose the same skin to sunlight, or the age spot may reappear. Never attempt to remove an age spot that is bigger than a freckle or is raised. If the age spots are large, or if there are many of them, don't take things into your own hands. Call in the professionals, and together you can decide which course of action is best for you.

Fade Age Spots Naturally

To fade age spots naturally, you first need to evaluate your current lifestyle and then adjust it accordingly. If you continue to expose your skin to the sun's damaging UV rays and eat a poor diet, your age spots will keep coming back, no matter how many age spots creams you try. While home remedies can help lighten age spots, the best remedy is a change of your habits.

What Age Spots Are
Age spots, also known as "liver spots," are the dark spots that appear on your skin as you age. The spots are most prominent on the backs of your hands and on your face and chest, and they can appear in an array of colors, from light brown to black.

Changing Your Habits
The key to removing these age spots from your body and eliminating the chance of additional spots appearing over time is to limit sun exposure. Since it is inevitable that everyone must spend some time in the sun, the best method of preventing sun damage is to avoid the sun when you can and use a good sunscreen with at least 15 or 30 SPF when you can't.

The second-best defense you have against developing age spots is to drink plenty of water, eat a healthy diet and incorporate an exercise routine into your daily life. Keeping your body in tip-top shape and ingesting plenty of antioxidants to help your body fend off free radicals is a step in the right direction.

Before you decide to do anything about your age spots, it's important to see a licensed dermatologist to determine if the spots in question are in fact age spots or something more serious. Also, before using any product-natural or otherwise-to lighten your skin, check with your dermatologist to make sure it is safe.

Bleaching Your Age Spots
For lightening age spots with a bleaching agent, dab the solution on the spot several times a day until the spot lightens enough that it blends in with the rest of your skin. If the area you want to lighten is large, it may be best to lighten the whole area, such as the entire back of your hand or your entire face. Check with your physician or dermatologist before using any ointments and lotions on your body, and, if your skin develops a red spot or rash where the ointments have been applied, discontinue using the product until you have sought the advice of a trained medical professional.

Good natural bleaching agents include lemon juice, other citrus juices, vinegar, horseradish or a mix of honey and yogurt. Apply the agent to a small spot on your skin to make sure you have no allergies to the ingredients you are about to rub on a larger area. Then start slowly, always rub gently and stop if redness or pain occurs on the site. Remember that each item can burn your skin if left on too long, so be sure to rinse if you feel any irritation.

On average, it will take about two months of regular use to lighten age spots. Create a chart, and follow it religiously. If the products do not harm your skin, it may be safe to apply them twice a day in a more vigorous regimen.

How to Get Rid of Age Spots

"How to get rid of age spots?" you may ask as you look in the mirror. Unfortunately, by the time you notice age spots, it is almost impossible to remove them, as age spots are a fact of life. However, you can lighten them or cover them up.

Methods For Getting Rid Of Age Spots
Treatments for age spots range from simple at-home solutions to outrageously priced invasive procedures, such as laser treatments and surgery. Before you opt for anything as drastic as surgery, start on a smaller scale with a simple citrus exfoliation process, and be persistent. Lemon juice, or the juice of any citrus fruit, contains alpha hydroxy acid, which is an absolutely wonderful product to use as an exfoliant.

Wash your face two to three times a week with a few slices of orange or lemon. If your skin is hardy, scrub it gently with the citrus, and then leave the juice on your face for a minute or so before washing it off.

Bleaching with citrus, horseradish, sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar or any other fruit or vegetable-based natural product will also work as long as you apply the products on a regular basis. Use this method to exfoliate your face each week. In a few weeks, you'll see a difference, and so will everyone else.

Cover Up For Age Spots
Covering up age spots is an alternative for those who don't have the time or energy to follow a daily or weekly regime. There is no surgery involved. All that is required is just a minute or two in front of the mirror as you apply a little foundation to the area. The problem with covering up age spots in this manner is that you never actually get rid of them. If you forget your foundation once, within seconds your secret will be out of the bag. Still, it is an option that isn't costly, isn't invasive and doesn't require much preparation time.

To avoid the appearance of even more age spots, you should be always wear sunscreen and a hat. Following a nutritious diet to improve the overall quality of your skin can be a good help. That way, you will encourage a youthful glow that will make the age spots less noticeable.

How to Get Rid of Pimples

At some time or another, you've wanted to learn how to get rid of pimples. This isn't just an issue for teenagers - pimples can strike at the most inopportune times. For example, who hasn't had a big date or meeting only to wake up with a big zit on her nose? Don't worry - you don't have to hide from the world if you have acne or pimples.

The best way to keep pimples away from your face is to keep up a regular skin care regime. You should wash your face, neck and the areas near your hairline and skin at least twice a day. Use a cleanser to remove debris, a scrub to reach into the pores and clear them and a toner to tighten the skin.

If you are prone to more than just the occasional pimple, then you might want to invest in some over-the-counter acne items. There are a range of products to choose from, many of which contain salicylic acid. Additionally, when it comes time to buy things like makeup and sunscreen, be sure to look for ones that are hypoallergenic or nonacnegenic. These items are great because they don't clog a person's pores or irritate the skin.

If you want an overnight home remedy for getting rid of pimples, try using calamine lotion or toothpaste on the offending bump. This will dry out the spot. Try to keep yourself from squeezing the offending pimple, as this could lead to scarring and discoloration.

And of course, if you want smooth skin, you need to drink as much water as possible. This keeps the skin hydrated and looking fresh. Be sure to avoid touching your face. The oil on your hands can only aggravate the skin and can cause some ugly looking pimples. Such preventive strategies are sure to work so that you don't have to worry about someone calling you a pizza face.

Stages of Melanoma and Skin Cancer

Even if you currently do not have skin cancer, it is still important to know the stages of melanoma. With reports that the Earth's ozone layer is thinning and increased radiation, skin cancer is becoming more and more prevalent. If you know what to expect, you can be on the lookout for tell-tale marks; you will be that much more prepared if you are diagnosed with the condition and learn of where you fall within the stages of melanoma. The earlier a person starts cancer treatment, the better their chances of beating melanoma and other skin cancers.

The following stages of melanoma are defined by the size of the tumor and how far the cancer has spread. The stage of a tumor is generally defined after a doctor has examined the infected area and performed a biopsy.

Stage 0 is the least damaging or severe stage of skin cancer. This stage means that the abnormal cells are only on the outer layer of skin. This is good, as it means the cells have not spread to deeper tissue.

Stage I means that the abnormal cells are present both on the outer layer of skin and in the inner layer of skin called the dermis. This type of skin cancer has not spread to the lymph nodes and is less than 1.5 millimeters thick.
tage II's tumor is larger than 1.5 millimeters thick and has spread to the inner and lower pieces of the dermis skin layer. However, this tumor has not yet spread to the lymph nodes.

Stage III means that the cancer has spread deep into the skin and is near the lymph nodes.

Stage IV is when the cancer has spread to the body's organs and to the lymph nodes. What this means is that the skin cancer has spread far from the point of origin. Stopping the cancer from spreading at this point is incredibly difficult.

Effective Pimple Treatment Tips

Almost everyone experiences pimples, otherwise known as acne, at some point in their lives. Teenage years seem to be the most common time for pimple breakouts, but even adults can suffer from pimples, whether occasionally or regularly. Take care of pimples by knowing how to avoid them and how to treat them.

One cause of pimples is stress. Stress causes the body to release hormones which bring on pimples, a skin organ reaction for releasing excess hormones; the hormones also increase perspiration, which can get clogged in oily skin pores. Reduce stress by getting enough sleep and exercise; also consider engaging in stress reduction techniques, such as meditation or yoga.

Another cause of pimples is vitamin deficiency. If you increase the body's metabolism, all systems of the body will function better, including the skin. Fresh leafy vegetables and fruits are key to increasing nutrition in the body, as is avoiding excess sugar, refined flour and alcohol. Vitamin A, C, D and the mineral zinc help reduce acne and increase metabolic health. Try to get the vitamins through diet, rather than supplements.

A third cause of pimples is sleep deprivation. Being overtired taxes the body's resources, causing the body to divert energy to staying awake, rather than the smooth functioning of all systems. Get eight hours of sleep a night whenever possible.

Lastly, wash the face properly. Use a facial cleanser that contains vitamins the skin can absorb. Those containing chemicals for treating acne are not effective, as they get washed away quickly. The skin needs the right cleanser for the skin type (oily, normal or dry). Some organic and all natural skin soaps are for all skin types-use those when possible. Work the soap into a foamy lather in the hands, rub gently with the fingers in circular motion, and rinse with water. Pat, rather than rub, the skin dry with a soft towel. Wash the face no more than three times per day. Excess washing can irritate the skin, further increasing the problem.

Making these broad changes in lifestyle can increase skin health, and increase health for the whole body.

Dry Skin Care: Causes and Helpful Household Solutions

Winter time can be the hardest time for people with dry skin because the air is dryer and it tends to take away any little bit of moisture that is already in the skin. Even slathering on excessive amounts of creams and moisturizers doesn't keep the dryness at bay.
Unfortunately, these creams and moisturizers can be really expensive and time consuming, even though they rarely help with the impact the weather and environment can have on dry skin. This can be frustrating since itchy, flaking skin can be undesirable and often makes the skin look uncared for even though it is.

One of the best ways to combat dry skin by keeping the body hydrated from the inside out. This preventative measure will also have other additional health benefits. Also, the addition of evening primrose oil supplements to your diet can strengthen skin cells and up your moisture content from the inside out as well.

Another tip that people may overlook involves ultraviolet light. Long exposure to this type of light - either by natural or artificial means - can dry out the skin too much. It is advised that when excessive exposure to the sun is expected to use sun block with moisturizers as an added benefit to your dry skin care regimen. Avoiding this and other situations that dry out the skin are recommended to keep the skin's moisture balanced.

Depending on the type of lighting in the home, there can be yet another dry skin culprit inside of your house. This is the fact that many homes have are extremely dry inside because of low humidity levels outside as well as from the drying qualities of the heat from your heating systems. Using a humidifier inside the home during the dry winter months is said to actually do a great job of remedying dry skin problems. An added benefit is the reduction of static electricity in the home!

Consider not drying off completely when you are done with your bath or shower. For many, this will be a strange habit to acquire, since we've been taught from a very young age that we need to dry off completely so as to not catch a cold. Unfortunately toweling off can remove any natural moisture that the body produces. This tip is very important to consider during dry weather. Only removing a little of the excess water with the towel after bathing, and using a body oil can do wonders for helping the skin retain its moisture. One oil to consider is olive oil - it's not just for salads any more!

Although these tips for dry skin care will do wonders for many, keep in mind that other factors play a major role in why people have dry skin. A poor diet, an underactive thyroid, and diabetes can contribute to dry skin, and should definitely be looked in to as your skin may be trying to warn you about a more serious condition. Also keep in mind that some drugs, like diuretics, antispasmodics, and antihistamines, can contribute to dry skin, and may be the real culprit in your dry skin situation.

How to Prevent Skin Cancer All Year

Learning how to prevent skin cancer requires focusing your efforts each and every day on protecting your skin. If you can keep your skin healthy, you will be able to keep yourself healthy more easily.

Wear sunscreen every day that's rated at SPF 15 or higher. Even areas of your skin that you don't think will be exposed should get sunscreen. You should apply from head to toe even when you don't plan to spend time outside. The sun's rays can do damage through car or office windows, too.

Make sure you're applying SPF the right way-you should apply 1 ounce, the size of a golf ball or one full shot glass, of sunscreen all over your body 30 minutes before you go outside.

Reapply often. Every two hours is a good rule to follow.

Don't forget that skin cancer hot spots include your hands, feet, nose, scalp, part, ears, neck and even your lips, which is the most common spot for skin cancer to occur. If you typically neglect those areas, try applying sunscreen to those spots first. Eventually, you'll change your routine so you won't ever forget.

Don't allow yourself to burn.

Avoid the sun at peak daytime hours between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you decide to spend time outside, seek shade.

Never visit tanning booths. They're now classified as a definite cause of cancer.

Stay covered as much as you can. Consider wearing UPF sun-protective clothing or bathing suits. A wide-brimmed hat will help to shade the face, neck, ears and head. Don't forget UV-blocking sunglasses. Look for a pair that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. The over-sized wraparound styles that are fashionable right now are tops for protection.

Don't allow your baby to be exposed to the sun before the age of six months. Baby skin is extra sensitive, but sunscreen shouldn't be used until six months of age at the earliest.

Know your skin. You should examine it for any changes once per month.

Visit your doctor for a skin cancer screening once a year-your doctor may spot something you can't see or didn't think looked strange.

Types of Skin Cancers

There are three types of skin cancers that are consistently the most frequently reported of the one million new cases each year in the United States. They are basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and melanoma. Early detection of any of these three skin cancer types allows patients to receive treatments that usually lead to a full recovery. Learn some basic skin cancer facts about everything from detection and prevention to treatments of the disease.

Basal Cell Carcinoma
Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer and appears mostly on the neck and head. It is also one of the most treatable forms of skin cancer, as lesions generally stay on the surface of the skin and rarely affect other organs. If BCC is suspected, a doctor will usually order a biopsy of the affected tissue. Once a diagnosis of BCC is made, a simple excision is usually all it takes to remove the cancerous cells from the body. Often, some healthy flesh is removed from around the lesion as well, just to be sure every cancerous cell is gone.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma
This type of skin cancer is more serious than BCC, because it affects deeper tissues and can metastasize quickly in some cases. SCC occurs usually in the neck, head, upper body, lower legs and the arms and hands. These skin tumors often appear in senior citizens, and may appear as painful, reddish brown, crusted bumps. SCC tumors are generally removed via surgery, along with some surrounding healthy skin.

As the deadliest form of skin cancer, melanoma causes the deaths of around 15 percent of those affected with the disease. Increased risk for melanoma is linked to high exposure to ultraviolet rays and often begins as irregular moles. Melanoma can appear almost anywhere on the body, from the head and neck to hands, feet and upper back.

Treating melanoma aggressively depends on what the tumor looks like, whether it has spread and the location on the body. Surgery is one option, during which a physician will excise the tumor in a simple surgery. The surgery removes any cancerous tissue along with a margin of healthy tissue. In extreme cases, amputation is recommended for patients whose melanoma has advanced and the tumor is on an extremity, such as a finger or foot. Chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiation therapy are all valid ways to treat melanoma.

Smart Oily Skin Care Tips

You thought you were free from oily, acne-prone skin after your teenage years, right? But adolescents aren't the only ones who have to deal with the shine and those awful breakouts. The good news is that you can keep it under control with the proper oily skin care. It just takes a little knowledge, a little effort and a good cleanser.

What Causes Oily Skin?

You just got a facial oil slick or a breakout right before an important date or a special occasion. Is it really all because you ate chocolate and potato chips, or is there more to it than that? Diet is a factor in the amount of oil your glands produce, but heredity, hormone levels, pregnancy and cosmetics can also contribute to the problem.

Oily skin problems typically begin in adolescence. Hormone levels fluctuate wildly during this time of life, and your skin really reacts to those changes. The sebaceous glands, which produce sebum, or the oil on your skin, tend to move into overdrive and begin producing erratic amounts of oil. The glands produce too much in some areas and not enough in others. Often, these glands will begin overproducing oil again when a woman is pregnant, leading to a fresh battle with those blackheads, enlarged pores and that shiny skin that bursts open with pimples at any given moment.

Cosmetics can also clog your pores and lead to breakouts. They might hide a problem, but they'll only make oily skin worse in the long haul. You'll need to look for oily skin care products that are labeled noncomedogenic. These cosmetics won't clog your pores or contribute to extra blemishes. You might need to try several different products to discover the one that works best.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle. You might need to make bigger changes beyond your skincare program. Your skin will reflect a healthy diet and a regular workout routine.
  • Keep your cool. Stress stirs up your hormones.
  • Use a mild cleanser twice a day, once in the morning and again before bed. You don't have to wash every hour on the hour, or you'll dry out your skin.
  • Whenever you have a great workout, be sure to wash your face when you are through to remove the sweat that can clog your pores.
  • Choose cosmetics carefully. When reading labels, look for those that are oil-free and those that are labeled as noncomedogenic.


  • Don't scrub. Many people with oily skin think they need to scrub hard to get their face super-clean. Your skin is tender and sensitive, so treat it gently.
  • Don't pick, squeeze, pinch or pop those zits. You risk permanent scarring if you do.
  • Don't worship the sun. Your skin may look better with a tan, but don't overdo it. The sun can cause skin damage and even lead to melanoma.
  • Don't use harsh products to cleanse your skin. You will risk drying, and that will just encourage those sebaceous glands to produce more oil.

Choosing Skin Care Products
There are three general categories that skin care products fall into: natural or homeopathic products, over-the-counter (OTC) products and professional products you get from a doctor or aesthetician. The choice is yours and depends on the severity of your oily skin and the related blemishes, blackheads and enlarged pores.

You can use products you may already have in your home, or you can buy high-end products that claim to work miracles. Don't assume that a high price means the product is effective. You may want to try several options until you get the best results for you.

If you would like to try natural options, you can start by looking in your pantry and your refrigerator. Cucumbers, vinegar, and witch hazel, diluted as necessary and applied to the face, are often recommended to fight oily skin.

At the store, you can find an array of skin cleaners. All the different packages and brands will clamor for your attention, but take the time to read the label. Some products will have antibacterial components, which will kill the bacteria that cause acne. Make sure to find an antibacterial product that isn't dehydrating, or you will set off those sebaceous glands.

Some products will be gentler on your skin than others, which is worth keeping in mind if you suffer from both oily and sensitive skin. Always be sure that the products are oil-free and noncomedogenic.

Dry Skin Care Help

If you suffer from dry skin, you know that it can be irritating, itchy and unattractive. Flaky patches, tightness and red patches are sure signs that you need to find a good dry skin care treatment. You might be surprised to learn that the treatment for dry skin is fairly easy.

What Causes Dry Skin?
Dry skin begins with the skin's sebaceous glands. These glands secrete sebum, which is a fatty, oily substance that mixes with the secretions from your sweat glands. This mixture then spreads over your skin and creates a layer of oil and moisture that is called the acid mantle. The acid mantle acts to protect your skin by preventing dirt and grime from entering the outer layer of the epidermis.

The acid mantle also protects the skin from drying and chapping. When the pH level of the skin is talked about, it is actually referring to the pH of the acid mantle. The acid mantle of your skin is naturally acidic. For most people, the pH range is from 4.5 to 5.5. This acidic quality protects your skin because it fights any bacterial invasion, but if the acid mantle changes from what is normal, your skin will show the effects.

There are actually two types of dry skin. People with dry skin from underactive sebaceous glands have what is known as oil dry skin. Other people lack water in their skin, and this is called moisture dry skin. We often think of dry skin as being associated with older, more mature skin, but younger people can have dry skin as well. Diet and hormones can also contribute to dry skin.

How to Treat Dry Skin
A good, regular skin care regimen might work better for you than specific dry skin care products. Skin care for dry skin can be summed up in three steps: Cleanse, tone and moisturize.

Cleanse. The first step in any healthy skin care routine is cleansing your skin. Cleansing not only removes the dirt and debris of the day from your skin, but it is also a way to remove the dead skin cells that naturally slough off. If these dead cells and dirt are not removed, they can clog up your pores, which will prevent the secretion of the natural oils your skin needs to stay soft and supple.

It is common to develop a skin care routine that involves cleansing twice daily, in the morning and evening. However, if your skin is particularly dry, you may want to cut back the cleansing portion of your regimen to only once daily, in the evening, to make sure that you are removing the daily makeup and accumulation of dirt and bacteria.

Be sure to avoid soaps for cleaning your dry skin. Many soaps have a very high acidic pH level, with some as high as a pH of 10. This high of an acidity level can eliminate the acid mantle of your skin, which can lead to bacterial infections.

Rather than harsh soaps, choose a cleanser that is gentle and contains three primary categories of ingredients:

  • Your cleanser needs an oil-based compound, which will combine with the oil on your face and dissolve it. Believe it or not, oil dissolves oil.
  • Your cleanser needs a surfactant, found in detergents, which combines with dirt and bacteria on your skin and dissolves that.
  • Finally, your cleanser needs water to rinse the whole works away.

You may want to consider avoiding tap water when you rinse your face. Most tap water has chemical deposits that are simply too harsh for sensitive dry skin. Try spritzing your skin with mineral water instead to give your face an extra boost of healthy, essential moisture without the drying effects of chlorine and other additives to tap water.

Tone. While some beauty experts disagree on whether a toner is necessary or not, you will find that the argument against toner may not cover all the facts. Most often, when you hear that a toner isn't necessary to remove all the traces of dirt, oil and cleanser from your skin, you are missing the point.

A toner's purpose isn't simply to provide a final cleanup. In fact, a toner also restores the pH balance of your skin's acid mantle to normal. Avoid toners that contain alcohol, as this is extremely drying to your skin. Essential oils, like rose water or sandalwood, are especially good as toners for dry skin.

Moisturize. If you suffer from dry skin, you probably already know the beneficial effects of using a moisturizer. The key here is to choose the right type of moisturizer so that you can keep your dry skin soft and smooth without adding a heavy moisturizer that will clog your pores and lead to breakouts or prevent your natural oils from reaching the surface of your skin.

Moisturizers contain humectants, which actually attract moisture to the skin and hold it there. In order to get the most benefit from your moisturizer, apply it while your skin is still slightly damp so the moisturizer can act as a shield and protect your face from the drying effects of the environment. Many essential oils, including primrose oil, chamomile, hyssop and ylang-ylang, have excellent moisturizing properties.

Don't use a heavy cream moisturizer or one containing mineral oil. Mineral oil can clog your pores. Instead, look for primrose oil, which contains GLA, an essential fatty acid that can strengthen your skin cells and add a boost to their moisture content.

Five Signs of Skin Cancer

Learn to recognize early signs of skin cancer so you can get it treated early. With more than 1 million new cases each year, skin cancer is the leading form of cancer in the United States. It's a cancer that forms in the cells and tissues of the skin and the risk of developing it increases the more the skin is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) rays. The good news is that many forms of skin cancer are very treatable and there are less than 1,000 deaths annually from skin cancer.

Many forms of skin cancer initially start out as lesions, moles or slow growing tumors. Recognizing the potentially cancerous ones from simple body blemishes is the key to getting early treatment. Skin cancer specialists have developed five signs of skin cancer that include a handy self-check method (known as ABCD) to assist people in determining what moles are a warning sign and which ones are not.

  • Asymmetry: Check to see if the mole is rounded and symmetrical, that is, both sides look even with each other. If a mole is assymetrical, watch it closely to see if it develops any of the other skin cancer characteristics.
  • Border: Study the edges of the lesion. A regular mole generally has a smooth border between the darker pigment and regular skin. If the edge is irregular or rough, it might be a warning sign.
  • Color: Moles are generally one color-dark brown to light brown to pinkish. Malignant melanoma will usually have multiple colors ranging from near black to light pink, all within the same lesion.
  • Diameter: If the mole is wider than ¼ inch (about the width of a pencil eraser), the chances of melanoma are greater than those that are small. If any mole grows noticeably in a short amount of time, consider that a warning sign as well.
  • Pain: If a lesion is burning, itching, bleeding or has developed redness or hardening, chances are good that a doctor will recommend further tests to determine if the mole is cancerous.

Which Eyeliner Styles Are Good for Which Looks?

Understanding eyeliner requires understanding eyeliner styles. You must understand the kinds of eyeliner available to you and the eyeliner look you seek in order to make your eyes pop in the manner you would like. If you don't, you're going to be trying to use liquid eyeliner for a natural look and wondering why on earth the whole look just seems wrong.

While different styles of eyeliner are displayed side by side in beauty department store aisles, that's really where most eyeliner similarities end. The looks that are created using different kinds of eyeliner vary so widely that each particular liner should be considered its own individual cosmetic tool. While one might be used for subtlety, another will only be used for instant glamour; it is altogether likely that a fashionista will have specific eyeliners that are only worn with specific colors of clothing. It's that specialized.

Cat Eye
If you're going to give your eyes the dramatic cat eye look, you want liquid liner. In fact, you probably want onyx black liquid liner. This -60s-reminiscent look is all about clean, crisp lines along the upper and lower lid of your eyes, with a sassy little upturned flair at the outer corner. The best way to achieve this smudge-free look is with a liquid liner that will go on smoothly. A soft eye pencil will create a sloppy take on a look that is based upon the idea of polish.

Smoky Eye
If you're looking for a heavy smoky eye, you actually don't even need to pick up a liner at all. Your eyeshadow will provide the emphasis here. Eyeshadow serves as a great liner when applied correctly - if you lightly wet your eyeshadow brush, dip it into shadow and apply in a thin line, it will provide a soft line of color that you can smudge accordingly. This also is a great introduction to people new to working with the concept of liner.

Natural Eye
Natural and makeup-free are two different concepts. A natural eye will let the beauty of your eyes' color and shape stand out, but relies on cosmetics to showcase them to their highest potential. If you want to create a natural eye look, stick with a neutral-colored eye pencil. Pencil will let you lightly smudge the liner so that it becomes less obvious.

Funky Colors
If you want to line your eyes with lime green or an electric blue, you can utilize any liner style you'd like. Get creative and have some fun to see whether a liquid liner or pencil best suits your needs.

What Type of Eyeliner is Right for Me?

Choosing the right eyeliner can be a difficult process. Row after row after row of products, divided by brands, color, type... it almost makes my head spin! Where does one even begin?

Pencil Eyeliner

Pencils are perhaps the most commonly used eyeliner on the market.

In fact, several women have had their first experience with eyeliner in the form of a pencil! Whether they are wooden pencils that require sharpening, or retractable pencils that raise and lower similar to lipstick, pencils create a smooth line with little effort.

However, pencil eyeliner isn't known for its staying abilities, as it has a tendency to smudge quite easily. Some women claim that warming pencil eyeliner between two fingers helps it go on smoothly; other women claim that putting the pencil in the freezer for a few minutes helps it go on more smoothly. What nonsense! If your eyeliner pencil isn't performing up to par, perhaps it is time to look for another type of eyeliner.

Here are some examples of pencil eyeliners:

Bonne Bell Eye Definer
Youngblood Eye Liner Pencil
Maybelline Expert Eyes Defining Liner
Merle Norman Automatic Definitive Eye Pencil

Cream and Gel Eyeliner

Cream and gel eyeliners are trickier to use than their pencil counterparts. However, the staying powder of these formulations far exceeds that of the wimpy line one achieves with pencil eyeliner.

While using a brush is necessary with gel or cream eyeliner, it can be applied with a dry or damp brush. I personally prefer a dry brush unless I am going for a much exaggerated line.

Do not leave the cap off your cream or gel eyeliner for a long period of time, as it will dry out. Also, it can be a bit tricky to apply this type of eyeliner to the lower lash line.

Here are two of the many options at your disposal if you wish to try this type of eyeliner: M.A.C Fluidline and L`Oreal H.I.P. Cream Eyeliner.

Liquid Eyeliner

Liquid eyeliner is known for its speed and accuracy, once you've become accustomed to it. Liquid liner leaves a smart, even line in one swipe. And since liquid liner comes pre-packaged, there is no need to worry about sharpening, retracting, or brush cleaning. The lid needs to be replaced immediately after use to keep the liner from drying out.

The downside to liquid liner is if a mistake is made it is difficult to fix. If you are new to liquid liner I highly recommend Revlon's Eye Makeup Eraser Pen. (You may also find success with cotton swabs soaked in makeup remover.)

I have included a couple of examples of liquid eyeliner: L`Oreal Line Intensifique Extreme Wear Liquid Liner and Almay Amazing I-Liner Liquid Liner

Eye shadow as a Liner?

Once, when I was at a M.A.C counter looking for new eyeliner, a sales associate mentioned using a dark, matte shade of eye shadow for eyeliner. She suggested that I take my liner brush, dampen it with water, apply eye shadow to the wet brush, and then simply use the brush as if I were using a gel liner. I actually tried this twice, and it worked rather well. However, it also seemed to make more of a mess than all of the other methods; even more so than the gel eyeliner. I suppose if I wanted to keep the number of makeup products I used to a minimum, then I could use a dark color for both my liner and the crease of my eyes. Unfortunately, I am absolutely addicted to makeup.

Other Eyeliner Related Tips

Above all, remember these important tips:

Always apply eye makeup in this order: eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara.
It is acceptable to put on foundation before or after making up the eyes. Some women prefer to put the foundation on first, and some women prefer to put the foundation on last. I prefer to put it on first.
Eyeliner should never be darker than your mascara.
Waterproof eyeliner is superfluous and should only be worn when you have need to wear waterproof mascara (i.e. sad movies, weddings, etc).
While colored eyeliner can be fun, approach vibrant hues cautiously. No one should wear red or pink eyeliner, as it can make the eye appear infected and unwell.
If you have very little lid visible when your eyes are open, you may want to skip eyeliner altogether, or apply your liner in a very, very skinny line. (This mainly applies to Asian women.)
Eyeliner doesn't have to be expensive! I've seen eyeliner priced between $2.59 and $40.

Finally, while it can be fun to apply your eyeliner the way Liz Taylor wore hers when she played Cleopatra, please do not make this your daily habit. It can be quite overwhelming!

How to Apply Liquid Eyeliner

The art of applying eyeliner can be very tricky for even the most seasoned professional. You should learn to apply eyeliner first with a pencil and when you are ready to get more dramatic then move on to a liquid.
Liquid eyeliner needs to be applied with a very steady hand or you will end up with a mess. But, do not worry because it is possible for anyone to learn to apply this fabulous product, it just takes some practice.

The first thing to keep in mind when applying liquid eyeliner is: do not try and draw a straight line across your lash line. Think about, how many of us can even draw a straight line on a piece of paper? When you begin to apply the liquid you need to use a very thin brush and make sure that there is not too much product on it. Then begin at the inner lash and work in small dashes until you get all the way across your eye. This will help you draw a line without making you too nervous. If you need to you can gently pull your eye outward to your ear so that you can more easily draw a line. Pulling on your eye will also help you to keep one eye closed while the other is open so you can see what you are doing.

The next step to making the liquid eyeliner line look fabulous is to blend. Blending is the secret to perfect make up application. Take a slanted eye shadow brush and dab it into a bit of eye shadow that is the same color of your liquid eyeliner: e.g. black or brown. Then draw the brush across your lash line directly across the liquid eyeliner. Adding the powder will help soften the line and make the liquid liner look better and will smooth out any smudges on your eye.

If you have gone too far outside of the eye or the liner is too thick just continue to blend. You can also take a bit of eye make up remover on a cotton swab and gently edit what you have placed on your eye. That is the beauty of make up, you can always edit. There is no permanence to what you are placing on your face. You are enhancing the natural beauty of you. Take your time, play and one day you will be a liquid eye liner master.

Basic Tips for a Natural Eye Makeup Look

A natural eye makeup look is an important one to master. Many occasions call for subtle or natural looking makeup, from conservative business settings to an early morning dentist appointment. You want to look put together but don’t want it to be too obvious you are wearing makeup. Here are a few tips for giving your eyes some definition without looking like you tried too hard.

-Start with a base to neutralize any redness you may have in the eye area and to help your color last all day without creasing. Eye Makeup products like MAC Bare Canvas Paint or Too Faced Shadow Insurance are perfect for prepping your lid for a neutral look.

-Swipe a soft neutral shade all over the lid. You can go with a beige, peach, or bone color depending on your skin tone. Matte shades or slightly shimmery ones such as MAC Grain are ideal choices.

-Apply a taupe or brown color in your crease using a rounded crease brush. Avoid red-based browns. A color like MAC Satin Taupe is flattering to most skin tones. After applying, use a blending brush to blend as much as possible so the color fades gradually.

Lady Vengeance accident

-Use a pencil eye liner in a medium brown color. A soft pencil in a color similar to your lashes like Urban Decay Bourbon or MAC Teddy Eye Kohl gives you the most natural look. A gel liner like the soft shimmery brown MAC Ostentatious applied with a light hand can also look pretty and natural. Liquid liners should be avoided altogether.

-Curl your lashes and then apply one coat of Mascara to the upper lashes only. Go with a brown mascara or dark brown if your hair is very dark. Black can look too harsh for natural makeup looks.

-Be sure to fill in your brows. This is an essential step for making your face look complete. Use a powder or soft pencil in a shade that is just slightly lighter than your natural brow color. Follow your natural arch and fill in the brows, being sure to blend well.

-A brow highlighter helps round out your look. A neutral shadow such as MAC Vanilla applied to the brow bone just under the brows adds a little highlight/definition without adding color.

It is very easy to get a natural Eye makeup look with the right makeup products and a little bit of practice. After a few tries, achieving this look will become just as effortless as it appears!

How to Apply Eyeliner Like a Makeup Pro

To learn how to apply eyeliner like a pro, first stop to consider the different types of eyeliner available to determine what will work best with your skin. Then, consider which colors best enhance your features for day or night and hone your application skills.

Types of Eyeliners
Eyeliner comes in a variety of types: pencil, liquid, felt-tip pen, crayon and cake eyeliner. They each have advantages, but mostly it's all about preference. Each type of eyeliner performs a bit differently, so you may want to try each kind before settling on a favorite.

Pencil. The most commonly used type of eyeliner is the pencil form. The pencil is popular because it is so easy to apply. Many women prefer a soft Kohl pencil because it provides a wonderful slightly smudged look, rather than the straighter, harsher line of a hard pencil. Smudging your eyeliner will soften the whole look of your eye. Many times slightly more expensive pencil eyeliners will have a sponge end to use for smudging.

Of course, you can get undesired smudges of eyeliner in places you don't want them. These can be cleaned up easily with a cotton swab.

Liquid Eyeliner. Liquid eyeliner will provide the boldest look of all the eyeliner formulations. It can be tricky to learn how to steady your hand to get the best results from liquid eyeliner, so remember to practice, practice, practice to get the results you want.

When using liquid eyeliner, you will get a stronger, bolder line than from a pencil. This dramatic line is well suited for evening looks and social occasions. Although it is more difficult to master liquid eyeliner, many women prefer this type of application because it provides such a definite emphasis around the eyes.

Eyeliner Pen. Eyeliner pens and eyeliner crayons offer a best-of-both-words product. They will both give a more dramatic look than a pencil provides, but they are easier to handle than liquid eyeliners. If you want one basic eyeliner that can do it all, try an eyeliner crayon or pen.

Cake Eyeliner. Cake eyeliner was originally the province of professional makeup artists. Similar in consistency and texture to eye shadow, cake eyeliner is applied with an eyeliner brush. In fact, you can substitute dark eye shadows for cake eyeliner and use a variety of colors to accent either your eye color or your outfit.

How to Choose Eyeliner Colors
When it comes to the color of eyeliners, fashion trends have moved far beyond basic black. In fact, black can be too strong or harsh for many skin tones. Charcoal or brown provides a softer look that is appropriate for most daytime cosmetic wear, especially if you have fair skin and/or blonde hair. Don't be afraid to add some vivid color to your eyeliner at night, though. Purple, green and even red eyeliner make for striking evening looks. The next time you go clubbing, try one of these shades for a fun new look. You can also use silver or white eyeliner at night. Add a bit at the inside corners of your eyes or along the inner rim of your eyelid for an extra lift when your lids appear tired or droopy.

Best Ways to Apply Eyeliner
Use short, feathery strokes when applying eyeliner, rather than drawing one hard line. Hold your eyelid tight with your other hand to allow the easiest application. Start at the outer corner of the eye and work your way in the center of the eyelid. If it's more comfortable to work from the inside out, go ahead, but you can start at the mid-point of the eyelid for most looks. For more long-lasting eyeliner, apply eye shadow over your eyeliner to set it into place.

If you decide to apply eyeliner to the inside rim, use a pencil or a crayon applicator to avoid getting eyeliner inside your eye, which can lead to eye irritation or even infection if your liner is contaminated with germs. As your hand grows steadier, you can try applying liquid eyeliner to the inside rim.

For a "cat's eye" look, draw the liner out slightly past the outer corner of the eye and go upward with a slight turn. This look is bold, but it is less dramatic than using liquid eyeliner, so it is more suitable for daytime wear.

You can also camouflage your eye's shortcomings with a few eyeliner tricks. Here are a few tips for some common issues:

  • If your eyes are set very close together, begin your eyeliner at the inner corner and extend it just a bit beyond the outer corner of the eye.
  • If your eyes are very wide-set, apply the liner all the way to the inner corner of the lid and use mascara mainly on the center lashes.
  • If your eyes are deeply set, remember the less is more theory. Stay as close to the lash line as possible and use a thin line.
  • Small eyes will look larger when you keep the eyeliner to the outer half of the eye.
  • For round eyes, line only the outer half of the eyelid and extend the liner slightly out and up at the outer corner of the eye.
  • If you have bulging eyes or puffy eyes, use your liner from the inner corner all the way to the outer corner. If you like the look of liner under your eyes, stay inside the rim, not under the lashes, or you will just exaggerate the bulging.
  • Droopy eyes will perk up if you keep the liner to the edge of the pupil area.
  • When your eyes are aging and start to get that crepey look, vary the width of the eyeliner so that it is thicker toward the outer part of the eye. Be sure to blend and smudge correctly using a large sponge brush.
  • If you are fortunate enough to have almond-shaped eyes that are set in proportion to the rest of your face, have fun with the eyeliner, as nearly any look will work great.

Applying natural-looking eyeliner

applying natural-looking eyeliner

Tip: For a natural-looking eyeliner and the illusion of lusher, fuller lashes, use a dark brown eye pencil and carefully press a series
of dots between your lashes following your lash line.

Tip: For the sophisticated look, draw a smooth fine line alone the top lashes.

Tip: To create the dramatic look, draw a line inside your lash line (as close to the lashes as possible), then along the top of the lash line.

In the name of perfection


It's no secret we live in a hedonistic society obsessed with perfection; one only has to think in all the tools within our reach to change what it is not written in our genes: plastic surgery, make-up...and the list goes on and on.

After much thought, I can't think -apart from the obvious- of any reasons to explain this phenomenon. Aren't flaws the ones that give us character?

On top of it, is the overuse of Photoshop. I beg those who are working at magazines to stop it because most of the times it's on the verge of tackyness.

"A flaw, a mistake. That's what makes the poetry, gives it the painterly quality".
Miroslav Tichý.

Eye Brows Care Tips

It is said that the shape of the eyebrows change one`s complexion in a good way, and it is true indeed. If you give them a nice shape, your face will be enlightened and surely you won`t look bad when you don`t apply make-up!


Do you usually tweeze at home or apply for a cosmetic salon? It`s not bad that you tweeze your eyebrows at home, but it`s the way you do it and what result you obtain!

Here are some hints in order to obtain nice eyebrows: disinfect the instruments with which you tweeze( the tweezer firstly), and also disinfect the eyebrows with alcohol; the next step is to brush your eyebrows, take a long thin pencil or stick and make measurements( from the base of the eye to the interior corner of the eye, from the base of the nose to the pupil of the eye and from the base of the eye and the exterior corner of the eye) and after you`ve don’t this things, make sure you tweeze properly, use termal water after and some lotion! And you`re done!

If you`re not able to do all the things mentioned above, you can apply for a cosmetics salon, a session of tweezing isn`t that expensive and surely you`ll get the shape that suits you the most!

Avoid really thin eyebrows, they give you a messy aspect and cheap in the same time, also you must avoid thick ones, they give you a manly feature!


Dyeing eyebrows is also an important part in your beauty! You may leave the color of the eyebrows in a natural form. If you want to change a little your aspect, here`s how you must apply eyebrow dye! Oh, and make sure the dye is especially made for eyebrows, don`t use hair dye it damages your eyes!

Applying dye to your eyebrows should be done in this way: use a lighter nuance than your hair is, so if you`re blond or red haired you must apply a light brown dye, if you`re brunette use a dark brown! And you`re done! You can find this special dye in shops, but in order to obtain a perfect result you can go to a cosmetic salon and do them there!

Tattooing your eyebrows can be a wonderful idea! By doing this you assure yourself you can tweeze alone your eyebrows! It can cost a lot depending on the type of tattoo you apply for, you can make a tribal tattoo( the thick and underlined eyebrows) or a natural tattoo( fade and similar to your natural ones)! You first have a semi permanent one and then the final and permanent one is made, after you make this tattoo, you need to use a lotion, to get rid of dead tissues!

You can also apply for the kohl crayon to underline the shape of your eyebrows if you don`t want to rely on long term variants!


Eyebrows are a symbol of beauty and sensuality, as mentioned before, a nice shape can give you an interesting aspect and make your sight much more profound!